Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crystal candelabra rental fee

Our crystal candelabras have become very popular.  We recieve  many request weekley from couples looking to rent them and then ..... they hear how much they cost.  

 The rental fee starts at $100 each and can run even more depending on the venue and setup time constraints.  If rented in combination with our floral services the fee is less. 
Now to explain the cost.  Each candelabra comes in 2 parts the base and the arms and are assembled onsite. If 10 candelabras are rented then 20 boxes are loaded out of storage and into the van where they are brought to our work area, inspected and tuned up. They are then loaded back into the van to be taken to the wedding venue and then unloaded again for assembley.  Each candelabra also has 5-6 glass shades that are hand washed for each event and are added to the candelabras after they are assembled onsite.  

Prep time is 2 hours,  time to load in, remove boxes  and set up each candleabra is 2.5 -3.5 hours with 3 people.  Load out time and break down at end of the night is about 1.5 hours and normally done around midnight with 2 people. 

Beware of individuales who rent them for cheap.  If your wedding is taken place in Connecticut make sure they come with candles shades and not taper candles and that the cost of those items are included in your rental agreement. Most of all make sure the company or individual is setting them up and breaking them down at the end of the night and that it's not your responsibility to do so.  No couple should have to nor want to spend 6 hours the day of their wedding setting up and taking down decor. 

From This ........ 

To this.....

With Flowers